Apple have launched a new social media platform called Apple Music Connect for artists to engage with their fans on iTunes. The new service is completely free to set up and allows you to customise your iTunes profile by adding photos, videos, upcoming gigs, reviews and loads more.
Like other social media platforms, fans can comment on your content and you can reply as well. We think this is a great move by Apple and we would definitely encourage you to claim your free profile and start engaging with fans where they are listening to your music.
How To: Verify/Claim Your Spotify Artist Profile 📚 Grab my FREE Spotify EBOOK - Subscribe to our Youtube Channel -
1. Check to see if your music is available on Apple Music
We upgraded all our artists account for free to Apple Music so your music may already be live and ready to stream. If you are planning to release any new music make sure you choose iTunes and Apple Music in the store options.
2. Go to the Apple Music Artists Accounts page and log in with your Apple ID
If you haven't got an Apple ID go here to create one
3. Once you have logged in follow the on-screen instructions until you are asked to enter your artist name
If your artist name is the same as other artists on iTunes it may be safer to enter your iTunes store artist page link which can be found by going to the iTunes Store and control-click for mac users or right-click for windows the artist name, and choose Copy Link.
Can A Free Spotify Account Become An Artist Account Receivable
Enter your Artist name or iTunes Store Artist link here
4. After selecting the correct artist name, choose the role that's applicable to you
Can A Free Spotify Account Become An Artist Account Create
If you are self-releasing and not signed to a label make sure you fill the details for both artist and artist manager. Fill in the details and click submit. You're nearly there!
Can A Free Spotify Account Become An Artist Accounts
5. It can take up to 7 working days for Apple to review your application so hold tight!
Once confirmed you will receive a confirmation email (nice). Now all you need to do is login and start uploading bonus material, live dates and anything else you think will excite your fans.
Make A Spotify Account
Read more info on getting your music on Apple Music here